Marketplace Data Analysis Using Web Scraping


  • A. Syamsu Irfan Akbar
  • Cipta Ramadhani University of mataram



Web scraping, Beatiful soup, selenium


The rapid development of the internet in fast communication has provided significant benefits for business people, allowing them to offer and sell product information boldly. One of the main advantages is the ability to search and find a variety of products easily through the internet. This convenience has led to the proliferation of many online stores in Indonesia, so that the need for applications that can help users search and combine product data from the internet arises. This study aims to develop a web application for product data analysis by utilizing web scraping techniques on the Tokopedia marketplace website, using the BeautifulSoup4 (Bs4) method. The web application is designed using the Streamlit module from Python. The results of this study are web applications that process data analysis taken from the Tokopedia website, which are classified based on certain criteria such as price range, highest and lowest ratings, highest and lowest sales, highest and lowest prices, percentage of location distribution, percentage of seller stores, and product recommendations.




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